Sunday, October 20, 2019
Assessment of impact of risk analysis on delivery of e
Assessment of impact of risk analysis on delivery of e Methodology has been described by Collis and Hussey (2007, p.78) as an approach used in research to organize and plan the general approach in which the research goals and questions are addressed. In addition, different tasks are carried to ensure that the research is successful since the findings and analysis depend heavily on the methodology applied. In other words, methodology is the core of a research.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on Assessment of impact of risk analysis on delivery of e-learning programs in universities of Saudi Arabia: Methodology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Goddard and Melville (2001, p.1), research methodology as a process helps in answering researcherââ¬â¢s unanswered questions and creating which that did not exist in the first place. In respect to the research study, different research variables which include risk analysis theory shall be applied. To achieve the r esearch aim and objectives, qualitative research method and exploratory research design will be used. The collected data is relevant and related to risk assessment in e-learning in Saudi Arabia universities. The research approach A well defined research approach plays an integral role in making a research richer in content by following a logical and stepwise framework for the collection of data. According to Gliner and Morgan (2000), there are two research approaches which are commonly, namely inductive and deductive approaches. The research will use deductive research approach because of its applicability in collecting a large volume of data which was required for the research. In addition, compared to the inductive approach, deductive research approach is more supportive to the collection of more authentic data. In course of the research, the researcher shall move from general points to more specific points. For instance, the concept of e-learning will be discussed followed by its impacts on students learning, followed by discussion on the impact of risk analysis on e-learning programs by universities in Saudi Arabia. This will ensure that the goals of the research were achieved throughout the research process. The deductive research approach is appropriate and authentic as it reduces vagueness and bias in the research findings and conclusions. The research method Because of the nature of the research, the researcher will adopt qualitative research method. This is because a qualitative research method allows a researcher to understand a particular social phenomenon and discover the most innermost meaning (Pratt 2006; Newman Benz 2006). In reference to the research study, qualitative research method will be used to understand perspectives, views, and meaning of major interest of members of the Ministry of Higher Education in the National Center for E-Learning and Distance Learning Saudi Arabia. This will allow the researcher to get in-depth information and d ata relative to the subject under study. In addition, it will be possible to get at personal level with the participants since interview which is a qualitative data collection method will be used.Advertising Looking for dissertation on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From the perspective of the participants, it will be possible for the researcher to understand the situation of e-learning in Saudi Arabia. Since no quantification of the collected data is required, qualitative research method will ensure that extrapolation, understanding and illumination of the situation understand study is realized (Golafshani 2003, p.600). The research design Marczyk, DeMatteo Festinger (2005) note that a research design is pivotal facet of a research study as it assists in the identification of the appropriate research methods so as to meet the requirements of the research approach. Iacobucci and Churchill (2010, p.58) ha ve defined research design as a plan in study, which is used as a guide while collecting and analyzing data. In this line of context, exploratory research design shall be adopted because it allows a researcher to gather preliminary information required in defining the research problem. Furthermore, it is important as is assists in exploring key facts and information about the research problem. For example, exploratory research design will be adopted to get the facts of e-learning from the members of the National Center for E-Learning and Distance Learning Saudi Arabia. The reason why exploratory research design shall be used is because it specifies a reliable, valid and generalized approach to the collection of data. Consequently, errors can be examined in an appropriate way and in a timely manner (Greig, Taylor Mackay 2007; Iacobucci Churchill 2010, p.60). Furthermore, exploratory research design signifies the relevance of data that is collected during the defined process. The us e of the exploratory research design will make possible by combining it with qualitative research method. In addition, information gathered shall be integrated together through risk analysis theory adopted in the study. Lastly, exploratory research has been chosen because of its ability to offer the researchers pertinent information as well as help in answering the research question. This was achieved through information and data gathering and creating theories related to the research study. The data collection Before data collection is carried, consent shall be sought from 70 participants from the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the participants shall be informed of the nature of the study, its goals, objectives, and why the research is being carried. In addition, a letter from the university and a cover letter outlining the purposes of the research study will also made available to the participants and the relevant a uthority. It is imperative to note that in this study both secondary and primary data collection methods shall be used.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on Assessment of impact of risk analysis on delivery of e-learning programs in universities of Saudi Arabia: Methodology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of the nature of the research study, face to face interviews coupled with personally administered questionnaires shall be used to collect data and information from the selected participants from the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning. The researcher will use semi-structured interview schedules to get the required information from the participants. This implies that the systematically structured questions shall be asked starting with general to the specific. To avoid bias during the data collection method, leading questions shall be avoided. The researcher is aware of th e consequences of asking any leading questions and to ensure originality and both internal and external validity and reliability, the researcher shall offer explanation where the participants may not understand in understandable knowledge possible. Sampling procedure Generally, it is usually impossible to carry a research study on an entire population such as in all universities in Saudi Arabia. As a result, sampling is necessary in ensuring that a section of the population is selected to represent the entire population. Although qualitative research does not require the use of the collected results for generalization purposes, the researcher found it important to carry out sampling to ensure that unbiased sample was selected. In this particular study, simple random sampling method shall be used for sample selection purposes. According to Greene and Hogan (2005), simple random sampling is used to give an equal chance to every member of the university to be selected to be part of the sample used. Simple random sampling has been described as a sampling technique which involves the selection of a group of participants for the purpose of studying a larger population. In addition, each participant is chosen on the basis of chance, meaning that each individual in the large population shares the same chance as the selected participant. In this line of thought, the researcher shall adopt random sampling to select 65 members of the Ministry Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia. To ensure that each of the individual from the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia was well represented in the sample, the list of all members of the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia shall be formulated. Out of the population, 65 random numbers shall be selected which shall form the representation of the sample of the research study. Among the 65 subjects, 15 will undergo face to face i nterviews while the 50 be part of self administered questionnaire.Advertising Looking for dissertation on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The major advantage of using simple random sampling in the research is its ability to reduce any potential human bias during the selection of the subjects included in the study sample (Fink 2006, p.48). Consequently, simple sampling shall provide the researcher with a study sample which is a representative of the population under study. In addition, generalizations of the results can be easily done since the sample under study shall represent Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia which is the body which acts as custodian for e-learning in Saudi Arabia. This shall ensure that the researcher achieves external validity which is important in a study. However, the sampling technique does not lack anticipated challenges such difficulties in getting a list with the individual population representing the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia. However, although the process of compiling the list is time consuming and cumbersome, measures shall be undertaken to ensure that the population list is generated for sampling purposes. Research subjects/Participants The research is to be undertaken in the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia. Only 65 members of the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning shall be selected for 15 interview and 50 self administered questionnaires to collect pertinent information about the impact of risk analysis on the delivery of e-learning programs in universities of Saudi Arabia. The major characteristic of the participants is to be over 30 years and above as well as an active member of the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning for the at least two years. The age bracket and the experience are necessary as it shall assist the researcher get the required perception, experiences and opinions necessary in achieving the research study objects. A lthough the issue of having women work in male dominated fields is highly sensitive in Saudi Arabia because of cultural practices and beliefs as well as the low levels of women with university level education, the researcher shall include women as part of the research participants. This shall reduce bias resulting from gender and enabled the researcher to have different views from both males and female participants. Although the sample is small compared to the number of university representatives in Saudi Arabia, it is justifiable and easy to work with since the research is more of qualitative than quantitative. The major strengths associated with the selected sample size are its gender, age and experience considerations. In addition, the sample is easy to access and considerably appropriate for the research study. Since the participants shall be selected through simple random sampling, the data collected from the sample shall not biased and it generalization was possible. The only drawback is that some of the respondents may have busy schedules and the researcher may be forced to re-schedule the data collection timetable to make sure all the participants participate. Instrumentation and Administration For the purposes of carrying out the research study, the researcher shall use structured interviews schedules and personally administered questionnaires. Interviews have been described by Pratt (2006) as one of qualitative research methods applied in research study for its ability to gain rapport and confidence with the respondents. The interview schedule has been designed in such a way that it starts from general questions to more specific questions and a part of closing remarks on implementation of e-learning in Saudi Arabia. The structured research schedule has 10 questions which shall act as guidance during the data collection process. The 15 participants shall undergo face to face interviews for approximately 40 minutes. The formulated questions shall be di rected to the interviewee and their responses recorded. Before the recording is done, consent shall be sought from each of the participants to ensure that they are comfortable with the recording. Audio recording will be carried during the 40 minute interview session. Once the process of interviewing is completed, the responses will be transcribed and the transcripts validated by each of the participants. The data shall then be imported to enhance representation which will later be used for analysis and discussion. The transcripts shall be read and listened over and over so that the researcher could get the key data categories. The collected data and information will now ready for analysis and discussions. Face to face interviews are justifiable because they are cheap, time saving and allow the researcher to collect first hand information (Opdenakker 2006; Valenzuela Shrivastava n.d, p.2; Leon 2003, p.93). Based on this observation, the researcher will be able to use less financial costs and collect information which will directly come from the participantsââ¬â¢ point of view. In addition, the researcher will be able to have a rapport and infiltrate the social space of each participant during the interviewing process. As noted by Denscombe (2007, p.175), this allows a researcher to make the participant more comfortable during the interviewing process. Lastly, interviews have a high return rate compared to other data collection methods such as the use of questionnaires (Leon 2003, p.93; Knox Burkard 2009). The major limitation of interviews is that participants can manipulate the responses being given thus comprising the validity of the study results (Crowther Lancaster 2008). In addition, time wastage may be experienced while rescheduling interview. There is high probability of getting biased data if the researcher asks biased questions or concludes the answers on behalf of the participants to meet the researcherââ¬â¢s expectation. Personally administe red questionnaires The researcher will also use questionnaires to collect data from 50 participants from Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning. The questionnaires will be personally administered by the researcher to each of the 50 participants. Personally administered questionnaires are administered personally to the participants where the participants fill them in the presence of the researcher. The major reason why this form of data collection has been selected id because of its capability to sufficiently collect data from an area where the participants are jointly assembled or found. Therefore, since that data will be collected from Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning which offers a convenient setting for the use of personally administered questionnaires. In addition, the use of the personally administered questionnaires will enable the researcher to gather the participants and collect the data. Therefore, compared to interviewing, personally administered questionnaires is less expensive and takes less time thus saving finances, energy and time. In addition, administering questionnaires does not require many skills as in the case of face to face interviews. The major benefit associated with administered questionnaires is that the researcher is afforded the chance to briefly introduce the topic understand as well as motivate the participants to give honest and frank responses. This aspect increases the research finding reliability and viability at the same time. The most probable limitation of using personally administered questionnaires disinclination of Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning of Saudi Arabia to allow the questionnaires to be self administered during working hours. However, this limitation may be countered by leaving blank questionnaires for the participants to complete them in a few days and have them mailed back, or collected by the researcher from a central point. Ethical issues The research endeavor was carry risk assessment on delivery of e-learning programs in universities of Saudi Arabia. To ensure the restoration of professionalism in research study, the researcher shall ensure ethical code of conduct is followed. Ethical considerations shall be taken into account to provide validity to the research study, which is entirely based on an ethical code of conduct. In addition, through ethical considerations, research will be made reliable and credible in the sense that the research study can undergo debriefing process. Prior undertaking the research, the researcher will seek consent from the participants and the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning. The participants shall be given surety that the information recorded during the data collection process is to be kept confidential and that it would not be made available to third party (Jackson 2008). In addition, the researcher will give su rety that privacy and anonymity are to be observed and maintained throughout the research study. Given that the information being collected from participants was original and the content not copied from any source, consent shall be sought from the participants. An explanatory letter shall be sent to each of the 65 participants prior the interviews and the use of questionnaires. The letters sent to each of the participants will be signed by the university faculty. In addition to the explanatory letter, a cover letter outlining the purpose of the research, its aim and surety that the research is for academic purposes will be sent. It should be noted that no participant will be coerced, forced or acted under duress during the sample selection and interviewing process as well as during the completion of the questionnaires. The participants voluntarily agreed to be part of the research and were part of the debriefing process. Before the interviews are audio taped, the researcher will see k consent to record all their responses. Furthermore, the participants will be assured of the possibility of having the results back to authenticate whether they conformed to what they had said during the interviewing process. On the secondary data used in the study, the researcher will ensure that literary works from the secondary materials were acknowledged. Academic requirements in relation to copyrighted materials will also be put into consideration to avoid plagiarism. All these ethical considerations will be carried to ensure that originality, validity, and reliability of the research are achieved. The information used in the research study will be verified from different sources before being presented in a methodical way. Lastly, the information used in the literature review and adopted during the discussion process was used to provide literal support and provide references to the information included in the dissertation paper. Reliability and validity of the study The concep ts of validity and reliability are very important in a study. Threats of these two elements as noted by Cohen, Manion, Morrison and Morrison (2009, p.133) ââ¬Å"can never be erased completely; rather the effects of these threats can be attenuated by attention to validity and reliability throughout a piece of research.â⬠Different instruments of data collection are used to address both validity and reliability. Although reliability is important in a research study, it acts as a precondition for ensuring validity of the methodology. To begin with, validity is used to mean the extent to which an instrument used in a study measures what it was intended to measure (Miller n.d, p.3; Stemler 2001, p.7; Kirk Miller1986). Furthermore, it is applied in qualitative research to determine the authenticity of the collected data. Cohen et al. (2009, p.134) note that validity of qualitative research is not concentrated on collected data but on the meaning in which the collected data is attac hed. In this line thought, the researcher shall be honest enough while self-reporting of the collected data and information. There are some principles which need to be observed for validity to exist. For example, the source of the collected data should be from the natural setting. In addition, the collected data should be descriptive and be represented in terms of the participants rather than that of the researcher (Cohen et al. 2009, 134; Connaway Powell 2010, p.61). To ensure that face validity was achieved, the researcher will ensure that the instrument used in the research which is structured interview and questionnaire schedules, measures what they are designed to measure which is e-learning in Saudi Arabiaââ¬â¢s universities. Another kind of validity that will be tested in the research is content validity which according to Miller (n.d p.3), measures the degree to which the designed instrument fully measures the domain of interest. For example, in the study, the researcher will carry the research to explore risk assessment analysis of the implementation of e-learning in Saudi Arabia. In this line of context and drawing from the interview research schedule, the researcher shall ensure that all the questions are fully a representative of the domain under which the study was being carried. On the other hand, reliability has been defined as the degree to which a measurement procedure is able to produce similar results if the research was repeated (Miller n.d, p.1; Thanasegaran 2009, p.35). To ensure that the collected data is reliable, the researcher shall develop openness and trustworthiness. This shall ensure that the researcher gets the intended results from the participants. As a result, duplicability could easily be achieved. Furthermore, the sampling technique adopted will ensure reliability since random sampling gives equal chances to each individual in a population. The data to be collected is believed to be sufficient to facilitate adequate data analysis thus enhancing reliability of the research findings. Limitations The major limitation is the use of qualitative research method only which may be influenced by the researcher or the subjects used in the study. Quantitative research method could have been applied to measure the degree of the risks involved in e-learning implementation. According to Anderson (2010, p.141), subjects used in a qualitative study may influence the responses given leading to bias in the collected data. To avoid this limitation, the researcher shall avoid leading or directive questions as well as developing a rapport with the participants. Another limitation in the research is difficulty in interpreting some of the responses since different people have different ways of expressing their opinions, perceptions and views. To minimize this problem, the researcher shall adopt respondent validation to ensure that any complications and inconsistencies are dealt with. The research methodology is highly de pended on qualitative research method which is less likely to ensure reliability given that the participants could change their responses if the research was repeated. Time barrier because of geographical representations of the two countries may delay the research. Lastly, there is high probability that the participants may not exhaust their responses fully thus exhibiting some level of bias. Appropriateness of the research design The study is based on exploratory research design which explores facts and information about the research problem. In respect to the study, the design is adopted with the attempt to explore the facts of e-learning implementation in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, exploratory research design shall allow the researcher to use the most effective research method to reach reliable and validated outcomes. Additionally, both primary and secondary data shall be used in the study where the secondary data will be used to compliment the data collected through interviews a nd questionnaires. This shall enable the researcher to get the facts with no bias and errors whatsoever. Furthermore, the research design signifies the relevance of data that is collected during the defined process. Summary Qualitative research design will be adopted in the research study and used together with exploratory research design. The researcher will use qualitative research design since only views and opinions of the participants in regard to the research objectives and aim will be required. Exploratory resign design will be used to get the facts and employ the most appropriate data collection methods. By adopting deductive research approach, the researcher will be able to move from general to more specific elements and aspects of the study. Both secondary and primary data collection methods shall be used in the research study. During the data collection process, 25 participants will be interviewed through structured interviews to provide primary data. Secondary data has b een collected from literary sources such as journals, magazines, books, reports, Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia website, and news articles among other relevant materials. The mixed method will ensure that data compliment is realized. The advantages of interviews are that it is cheap, time saving, and information collected is based on the participantsââ¬â¢ point of view. On the other hand, data collection methods are also cheap, time saving and have information which is already interpreted and analyzed. Simple random sampling method will be used to select the required sample of 70 participants. The participants will be selected from the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia thus representing all universities in Saudi Arabia. Simple random sampling will be chosen because of its ability to minimize human bias and at the same time providing a sample which forms the representation of the Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia. As a result, external validity will be realized. The selected participants are supposed to be 30 years and above and to have worked in Ministry of Higher Education in National Center and Distance Learning of at least two years. The data will be collected through the use of face to face interviews and personally administered questionnaires. Each participant shall be interviewed for 40 minutes and the responses audio taped. In addition, notes were also collected during the interview process. Different ethical considerations such as participants consent, confidentiality, and anonymity shall be maintained throughout the study. Explanatory letters and cover letters will be sent to each of the participants indicating the research purpose and the intention to carry the study. The participants have voluntarily accepted to be part of the sample and given consent to the audio taped. Secondary materials have been acknowledged and so was plagiarism. To ensure validity and reliability in the research instrument, different methods will be adopted which minimizes validity and reliability threats. The major limitations of the methodology include the use of qualitative research design only, bias from the collected data, and the influence of researcher or the participants on the collected data. Reference List Anderson, C 2010, Presenting and evaluating qualitative research, Am J Pharm Edc, vol. 74, no. 8, p.141. Cohen, L, Manion, L, Morrison, K Morrison, K R B 2009, Research Methods in Education, New York, Routledge Collis, J. 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